So Afraid to Let Go

Brad W Carr
2 min readApr 2, 2024

You like to go on as if you are going to live forever; so afraid to let go of the image that you portray to the world that you keep the rawest and most beautiful parts of yourself hidden away in the closet.

What are you so afraid of?

Why do you hold onto those fears?

Is it because you might, one day, find the freedom that you so crave and then you’ll have nothing left to sit in your room and long for?

I guess it is safer to sit there and dream than it is to bring that dream into reality because in reality you risk being rejected and abandoned and what could be worse than being left all alone?

What does a human become once there is no fear left to hide behind?

What happens when you stop clinging onto the ledge that hangs over the dark abyss?

Will you fall into the eternal nothingness and spin uncontrollably into the depths of the earth? Or will you find out that you can indeed fly and soar to a new land; a land abound with trees and rivers and mountains, too; where the people dance freely and sing songs about love and Nature and aren’t afraid of anything much.

One day you’ll be old with wrinkled skin, and you’ll be unable to go outside to escape the prison that you have created inside of your own mind – and what happens when you have no choice but to sit and look back on all of the things that you didn’t say and all of the times you played it safe and didn’t express everything that you kept hidden in the darkest corners of your wild and precious heart?



Brad W Carr

Sharing conversations that I have with trees. Poems, nature, spiritual and personal growth. Seeker of silence and solitude. Photographer @bradcarrphotos